All Purpose Cleaning Spray

You'll love the clean and fresh aroma this chemical free surface cleaning spray leaves behind.
This multipurpose cleaning spray gives you a boost while you clean. You can clean with confidence around your little ones knowing this all natural cleaner is safe and toxic free. Try substituting the orange oil for lemon oil for added grease cleaning power.
You will need an 8 oz plastic spray bottle
7.5 oz of water
1/2 oz rubbing alcohol, vodka or vinegar
Dash of Castile soap or dish soap (1-2 drops)
Essential oils to add:
25 drops Peppermint (antiviral, antibacterial)
25 drops Sweet Orange (stimulating to immune system)
25 drops Siberian Fir (antimicrobial, deodorizing)
Combine the water, alcohol and castile soap in the spray bottle, then add your essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake it really well before each use.
You can use this spray for kitchen counters, bathrooms, glass surfaces, windows, any surface such as the inside of your dishwasher/fridge, diaper and garbage pails, etc.