Essential Oils For The Emotions

Essential oils are known most noticeably for their physical healing qualities, but they possess even greater emotional and subtle energetic properties that provide key benefits to balancing your emotions and finding inner peace.
Whether you need something to elevate you or take your blues away, there is an essential oil that can help with any particular mood or emotion.
In this guide, we’ll discuss each oil and its emotional healing qualities to help you choose your ideal oil for your needs and the mood you want to evoke.
Clary Sage - Soothing and balancing – Aids in reducing anxiety, nervous tension, quiets the mind and uplifts the emotions.
Eucalyptus - Stimulating and purifying - stimulates mental focus and concentration and soothes exhaustion.
Frankincense - Comforting, inspiring – the king of oils encourages healing on all levels, quiets the mind and instills peace and tranquility.
Geranium - Balancing and revitalizing – Reduces stress & anxiety, increases intuition and intimate communication, promotes sense of security and protects from negative energies.
German Chamomile - Calming and gentle – calms feelings of stress, anger, frustration, irritability and impatience, offering support during difficult times.
Grapefruit - Inspiring, elevating – Exudes high energy and happy feelings, and helps calm tension and depression.
Lavender - Calming and nurturing –balances energies throughout the body, calms and soothes anxiety, fear, helps control panic attacks.
Lemon - Brightens and cleanses – Invites bright and happy feelings, opens the senses, and expands energy.
Neroli - Sensual, Euphoric – restores vitality, enhances sexual-emotional connections in couples, encourages strong emotional support, promotes healing during emotional shock, grief and despair and calms nervous system.
Helichrysum - "Honey for the Psyche" according to Patricia Davis. Heals emotional trauma, old emotional wounds, increases awareness and intuition.
Orange - Uplifting and joyful - Aids and soothes those who are pessimistic, perfectionist and refuse to ask for help.
Palmarosa - Invigorating and healing – Soothes jealous and possessive feelings, calms the heart and mind, opens the breath, helps reduce anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.
Peppermint - Energizing, stimulating - Awakens the mind, promotes creative thinking, boosts confidence and clears negative energies.
Sandalwood – Sensual, grounding – deepens spirituality and meditation, quiets the mind, relieves feelings of anger/ irritation, inspires acceptance, aphrodisiac.
Siberian Fir – revitalizing and inspiring – helps promote positive energy, boosts self-image and identity and invites forgiveness and acceptance.
Tea tree - Purifying and healing – Aids in boosting confidence, strength, and helps deal with victimization feelings.
Use this as a guide to begin your journey on finding the essential oil that help support your emotions, promote balance, invite feelings of joy and happiness, and soothe anxieties, worries and fears away so that you can experience emotional wellness and inner peace.
What emotions do you deal with on a daily basis?
Do you have a story to share about how essential oils have helped you during a difficult time?
It would mean the world to hear your story!