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Travel Essentials for Women

Travel Essentials for Women

Travel Essentials 

Going on a vacation is an exciting feeling and anticipation of all the new and fun experiences that you will have on your trip and one that you and your family may have planned and looked forward to for quite some time.  Having all our bases covered and being prepared for any emergency will keep the trip feeling like smooth sailing.  Let'ts be real - things happen and those are the moments when things can take away joy and peace. If your family is anything like mine, then you know there's always that one family member that has anxiety of flying, motion sickness, trouble falling asleep in hotel rooms, or gets indigestion from eating a different diet.  So Here's how you can include a little 'trip Insurance' to your vacation. 

Essential oils offer a simple easy to use solution - with just a few drops of the right oils, they can bring a whole lot of relief to headaches, indigestion and most discomforts that can happen while away.  


Nothing worse than to enjoy a meal, and a few hours later be feeling the pain. Peppermint has long been used to calm digestive upset. Add a few drops to your carrier oil and massage the abdominal area in circular motion. One drop in a cup of water can be sipped before a meal or a drop can be added to a tsp of  honey to help soothe any digestive upset. 

Peppermint is also great for breathing clear, soothing the sinuses, helps ease congestion and relieves pain, helping to ease headaches or other pain related discomfort.

Ginger essential oil is also known for it's calming of upset stomachs.  It may be effective for some food-related stomach issues as well, particularly when combined with peppermint and massaged in the stomach area.

Lavender Oil - the Great Soother

Lavender has been called 'a medicine chest in a bottle' due to its wide range of effects. The aroma of Lavender is calming and relaxing, perfect for stress in congested airports or crowded highways, fear of flying situations and any anxiety related to traveling. It is a very effective and safe essential oil  for adults and children alike. Apply a drop or 2 on your wrist for times of anxiety and stress or when having trouble falling asleep.

Lavender essential oil is also an effective skin and wound healer because of it's anti-inflammatory, mild antibacterial, and skin-regenerative actions. Lavender is very useful for burns, bites and stings - just place a drop or two 'neat' (undiluted) on the affected area.

Lemon Oil - The Purifier

Lemon also has some wonderfully diverse uses. Diffusing lemon oil cleanses and purifies the air, make a spray mister to wipe down surfaces that may be dirty or linens to protect against bacteria. It is effective as an antibacterial, and it is non-irritating making a perfect oil for disinfecting. Adding a drop to a pint of water can gently stimulate the lymphatic and digestive systems, helping alleviate that sluggish feeling that often accompanies extended plane and car travel. 


Eucalyptus Oil - For Keeping Cool and Cold Relief

Eucalyptus has a great range of uses as well. It can cool the body when too hot, and protect it when too cold. It is found in almost all formulas used to relieve congestion, can support circulation, and bring lightness to a travel-weary head. Eucalyptus oil can be used like peppermint to uplift and invigorate during long intervals in a car. It can be added to a cool bath or used on a cold compress in cases of heat exhaustion (accompanied by, of course, copious amounts of water and electrolytes!), and used in a similar manner to help cool mild fever.

Protekt - Protective Blend - Immune Booster must have

Protekt has a combination of 6 of the most highly rated anti-bacterial and anti-viral and immune supporting essential oils in aromatherapy. Diffuse it in your room to purify the air and kill any microbes, add a few drops in water sprayer and mist over sheets for bed bugs, add to aloe vera gel to sanitize hands or use a drop in a gargle if you feel something coming on. Also helpful in relieving pain and inflammation, simply dilute in a carrier oil and apply.

Don't be caught off guard without your travel essentials and make your trip more enjoyable with aromatherapy.

Von voyage! :)